Wednesday, August 17, 2011

See you at EverydaySweetNotes.COM!

After a lot of packing up, cleaning and programming shiz (what, I program?!?), Everyday Sweet Notes is now in www.everydaysweetnotes.COM!

Thank you to my mentors, Marvin, Tom and Anton who helped me with this BIG MOVE. I wouldn't have survived those programming bugs without your help. 

And of course, I want to thank YOU for the continuous support and for all the fun memories and interactions in my blog. You always inspire me to write, take pictures and strive to do even better. :)

I hope to see you at our new home as well. It's our housewarming party there today so make sure to bring food! I'll be expecting you there. :)

All future sweet notes will be posted there, so jump on over to

~It's the little sweet notes everyday that matter~

Monday, August 8, 2011

Housewarming on the 17th! :)

When fellow bloggers see me, they usually ask me how's the move to wordpress. Honestly, it's not as easy as I thought it would be. It really feels like I'm packing up all my things into boxes, labeling them individually, then unpacking them once again in our new home. I now regret posting my pictures directly to blogger. Now I have to change the links to each one. Uh oh. *face palm* 

Despite the stress, I'm honestly thrilled about this move. Our new home looks so much cleaner and photogenic, strategically designed to stimulate your hungry stomachs and hearty appetites!

For the next few days, you might see some weird changes in this blog as I move our things to our new home in Rest assured, Everyday Sweet Notes will be back on the 17th!
So see you next Wednesday for our housewarming party at our new home! Don't forget to bring food okay? ;)

For the mean time, check out the cute flash animation on The wolf speaks German! So adorable :D

~It's the little sweet notes everyday that matter~

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Enderun's Restaurant 101: The 20 Euros Dessert

This signature dessert costs 20 Euros in France. If you convert it to pesos, this dessert is priced at Php1,267. 

The Katsudon Way of Missing

Katsudon and missing someone in one sentence? 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011